Pipeline SBS One-Pager 08-09-2024 ThumbnailWe all want to make sure our children learn the knowledge and skills  they need to succeed in the classroom, college, and beyond. But instead of ensuring students get a high-quality education, over 50% of elected members of Florida’s school boards are prioritizing banning books, restricting discussions of race and LGBTQ+ issues, and promoting bigotry and censorship. Supporters of regressive policies have politicized school board elections to push an unpopular and radical political agenda. Our students deserve better.

In a first-of-its-kind project, School Board Spotlight conducted extensive research into every school board member in the state of Florida. Our research uncovered shocking findings—from banning books to open celebrations of censorship and beyond. We’ve incorporated our findings into the School Board Spotlight website and turned them into a searchable database of every school board member, highlighting those who are putting politics ahead of Florida’s students.

See how your school board members are performing, and use their contact information provided to show support for learning environments where ALL students can gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed.


Note: School Board Spotlight and its research partners reviewed the public statements, social media, and issue positions of 356 school board members for mentions of book bans, curriculum censorship, and racist or anti-LGBTQ+ policies. Please note that this research does not encompass all the issues that school board members address in their duties; please consider all actions by a school board member when judging their qualifications overall. Additionally, it is important to acknowledge that some school boards may have felt compelled to consider certain policies due to action or pressure by state-level officials. Our evaluation is based solely on statements made and votes taken by board members, not the motivations or pressures that may have influenced these decisions.